Thursday 3 March 2016

Revealing blog to family and friend's.

Yesterday was the day everyone. The day we let our blog and Bunnywoof social media reveal itself to our family and friends.

Yes we know these should have been the first people we got involved but as we like things to be just right we waited until yesterday to reveal.
Don't get me wrong some of our friends knew about the blog but had not seen it as we had not made a huge thing about it but yesterday I invited nearly all of our friends to like our Bunnywoof Facebook page and get involved with the blog and all our social media.
To say we were nervous would be the right assumption. It is usually me (Ross) that writes the blog posts and I am not the most creative out of the two of us so I was hoping the blog would go down well and I was not disappointed. Almost as soon as the invites went out our friends were commenting and sharing from the Facebook page and direct from the blog itself.

Great comments as well which felt great. Some bad as well (joke) including our dear friend Michaela who was very disappointed to not be in some of the posts when she was actually there or on the phone at the time. Well Michaela now I have your permission you will be included in our blog one way or another. Maybe you could do a post about internet dating or Tinder?

So despite the nerves in revealing the blog it went really well and finally got our first likes on our Facebook page as well which feels great.

Now it is time to move the blog forward and really get it going and we both feel super excited about it.

Before we go if there is any of our friends out there that would like to do a guest post on our blog, a little piece about yourself, a little advert for your business or work place then please do drop us a message.

Blog posts coming this week will include us building up to a photo shoot with our friend Andy plus a mother's day post as we near Sunday and any other random weirdness that enters our head's.

Ross & Franki

P.S YouTube video's are still in the pipeline so watch this space.


  1. This is something I can relate to because my family & friends don't know about my blog or YouTube channel yet

    1. Mike you should share it with them. I was so nervous but they have all been amazing and sharing my content about. Go for it I say.

    2. I will tell them one day, but for now its my little secret
